Wentworth Online Gym Classes

Introducing Yoga For Golfers

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new class as part of our workout at home offering – Yoga for Golfers. Facilitated by our ever-popular instructor Sandra, this brand new class will commence on Sunday 31st January at 2-3pm, and is designed to get your mind and body into better shape, on and off the Courses. Please bring with you a yoga strap or towel to help with the stretch moves, a cushion and a block or a hard back book, along with some water. Our intention is to host this class for the next few weeks, and help to get you in the best possible shape ahead of the Courses reopening.

With half term taking place from the 15th of February, we are delighted to launch a new class for parents and children to do together from the comfort of home. Join our instructor Mandy for ‘Family Fitness Fun’ on Tuesday and Thursday next week from 10.30-11.15am featuring jumping, skipping, hopping and playing to give your little ones something to channel their energy into. Please view the schedule below to access the links.

The introduction video from Sandra outlines exactly why this class can be beneficial to your golfing game. Also why not enjoy a refresh of recently shared workout videos from our very own Fitness Team at Wentworth. Please click here to view.


Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
LBT10.30 – 11.30https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87161481234?pwd=UXVaVDZSUmJ6SndFUGMrTG4rT29rUT09
KARENMeeting ID: 871 6148 1234
Passcode: 429441
YOGA19.00 – 20.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89202687451?pwd=MEZISUhwcFdDNmF0MHFRWFljOU1Hdz09
SANDRAMeeting ID: 892 0268 7451
Passcode: 608401
Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
CIRCUIT9.00 – 10.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82073693383?pwd=TGdTYXpkRTUzRTh2TlY4TGdnLzBMUT09
FONZMeeting ID: 820 7369 3383
Passcode: 462624
FAMILY FITNESS FUN (16TH OF FEBRUARY)10.30 – 11.15https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82380113234?pwd=cGljeHM5WnZiL3IxcVFZMGx4TUV5UT09
MANDYMeeting ID: 823 8011 3234
Passcode: 072289
STRETCH & STRENGTH12.00 – 12.45https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84795438412?pwd=a1lGOVZkYThRczRLVnE3ai85U2pMdz09
CLAIREMeeting ID: 847 9543 8412
Passcode: 706324
FITNESS PILATES19.00 – 20.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83099908730?pwd=UXJxRnBCVXdwS1hjSVVJVW45T1Y4UT09
CLAIREMeeting ID: 830 9990 8730
Passcode: 293117
Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
PILATES9.00 – 10.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84976944433?pwd=MkFDbGpNUjhoTlFJUVVjTWw4aXhoZz09
CATHYMeeting ID: 849 7694 4433
Passcode: 594696
YOGA18.30 – 20.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86496684282?pwd=YmMxSSt5QzNRMmd4NTM1QzVIN3N0QT09
SANDRAMeeting ID: 864 9668 4282
Passcode: 629039
Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
POWER CIRCUIT08.00 – 09.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89807219914?pwd=Rng4R0VLa0hxN2VIUlBpa0Y3bzk0QT09
SARAHMeeting ID: 898 0721 9914
Passcode: 468171
FAMILY FITNESS FUN (18TH OF FEBRUARY)10.30 – 11.15https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82380113234?pwd=cGljeHM5WnZiL3IxcVFZMGx4TUV5UT09
MANDYMeeting ID: 823 8011 3234
Passcode: 072289
 BALANCE WORKOUT12.30 – 13.30https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81585605346?pwd=VmViRjFVNWVHSDJIb09nNWszTEZaQT09
REBECCAMeeting ID: 815 8560 5346
Passcode: 069033
Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
BALANCE, CORE, GLUTS10.30 – 11.30https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84651880039?pwd=cFpzaldXR1JjUm1sOU0yNEpLUjRVdz09
KARENMeeting ID: 846 5188 0039
Passcode: 366921
PILATES12.30 – 13.30https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85384469747?pwd=NTE3ZmRQNUpOVFQwSG1WbnA5cWprZz09
CHRISTINEMeeting ID: 853 8446 9747
Passcode: 468424
CARDIO WORKOUT17.30 – 18.15https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85050630981?pwd=NjZmTVgxYjBwaUJzakJwZTgybWYvdz09
CLAIREMeeting ID: 850 5063 0981
Passcode: 028252
Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
CIRCUIT9.00 – 10.00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81430749497?pwd=V24wZCtqc2Z2L25OSDhNRlYwMTFYUT09
FONZMeeting ID: 814 3074 9497
Passcode: 060094
STRETCH & STRENGTH12.00 – 12.45https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81061076324?pwd=a2xaYWJIOHp5bDE2bFg3NVN4R3E1Zz09
CLAIREMeeting ID: 810 6107 6324
Passcode: 334142
Class Time InstructorLogin Details 
HIIT10.00 – 10.45https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83209815345?pwd=b2svNnkwV0JYNWVPd3l5L2t5cEtyZz09
SARAHMeeting ID: 832 0981 5345
Passcode: 542943
STRETCH & STRENGTH11.00 – 11.45https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81246728265?pwd=b2FjWmtWZjNsRHRxVmw1akJsZkp3dz09
SARAHMeeting ID: 812 4672 8265
Passcode: 467096
YOGA FOR GOLFERS14:00 – 15:00https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87622809615?pwd=TmUxNEpITjVCK0hZSjVCL29TVFB4dz09
SANDRAMeeting ID: 876 2280 9615
Passcode: 406529